
Thursday, January 28, 2010

PaPa U r The BeST

When I look back at my life’s journey

I find a special man whom I called PAPA

He always stood like a pillar

As if He is my melancholy killer

The beam of his support always blooms

To eradicate all my glooms

All the things he did for years

Makes my eyes full of tears

His little girl has many regrets

Tell me what he gets

It was him who was there from my nascent

It will be him till my end

I am not a little girl anymore

I empathize with him to my core

He is the best PAPA ever

I will love him forever

(Jaya Sharma)


  1. Wow ! I have read many poems on 'Maa' ...but yours is the best one on 'Paa' !!

  2. I hope that the usage of words r rght....
