
Monday, September 20, 2010


I’m too alone in the world, yet not alone enough
to make each hour holy
I’m too small in the world, yet not small enough
to be simply in your presence, like a thing—
just as it is.

I want to know my own will
and to move with it.
And I want, in the hushed moments
when the nameless draws near,
to be among the wise ones—
or alone.

I want to unfold.
Let no place in me hold itself closed,
for where I am closed, I am false.
I want to stay clear in your sight.

I would describe myself like a landscape I’ve studied
at length, in detail;
like a word I’m coming to understand;
like a pitcher I pour from at mealtimes;

like my mother’s face;
like a ship that carried me
when the waters raged.

- Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Distances--Miles Apart

Is it true that when we start loosing someone we actually start appreciating their presence.
Its all about distances, the far someone go, the closer he comes.
I don't want distances, the only thing I want is "you".
It is the hope of hopes that we will surely be together where distance
will never keep us apart.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

PaPa U r The BeST

When I look back at my life’s journey

I find a special man whom I called PAPA

He always stood like a pillar

As if He is my melancholy killer

The beam of his support always blooms

To eradicate all my glooms

All the things he did for years

Makes my eyes full of tears

His little girl has many regrets

Tell me what he gets

It was him who was there from my nascent

It will be him till my end

I am not a little girl anymore

I empathize with him to my core

He is the best PAPA ever

I will love him forever

(Jaya Sharma)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My ThOUghts!!

Being single is cool. No worrying about anyone, no obligations, no issues and best of all no heartaches, no pains. But what I feel is If you will never get your heart broken, you will never learn to love. Also you cannot feel the music of life. Life is to have experiences not to be devoid of any feelings. What comes your way just enjoy it whether its love or breakup. Well its human behavior we never like what we have or in other words we never have what we like. Life is like a piano -- the white keys represents happiness and black keys sadness, but as you go through life's journey remember that black keys make music too. And a person always learns from his past than his present. Breakups does not mean to depart with some one, it is just to be insensitive to all the feelings your heart conceives and to bear the heart aches when you miss someone. Life is incomplete without your friends. They are the only part of your life which can soothe you from your any sorrow-- whether its departing of dear one or loosing a friend. A friend is someone who knows what is there in your thoughts and say it back to you when you are not able to give words to your thoughts.

Well these are my thoughts . Please let me know how true they are.

"LooK tHe FriEndSHip mEAns WhaT? in ThIs MordERn wORld"

Look this is the modern world
No one is curious about my word
Some relations on earth never end
But my relations start after end

Look how subtle is this
Its death without poison
This modern world forced me to do this
Bcoz now I have undestood what my value is

Friendship is like a play
It means to me like a clay
Why I kicked my joy
To become like a toy

Everyone plays with me, uses me
Is this friendship to me
Now I am tired with such a friend
Who changed the friendship trend

This is friendship or a joke
Due to this my life is choke
Look I am not that much bold
This type of friendship I cant hold

But now this friendship has become my thirst
To have chill pill just
Is this a friendship I trust
No, No and my tears burst

(Jaya Sharma)